Every year, countless people worldwide die as a result of accidents, illnesses or physical attacks. As many studies have shown, a wide-ranging education in the field of emergency measures can improve or even save the health or even the lives of many people affected. Often, simple procedures are enough to achieve the desired result. But which procedures are these and how and especially when are these procedures used for?

The broad education deals with exactly these questions. Through the various courses, which are constantly developed further and adapted to prevailing situations, the participants gain an insight into the course of an assistance service. The courses provide basic medical knowledge in an understandable way. In this way the participants gain security in unfamiliar situations and can speed up and thus improve the rescue.


First Aid

First aid or life-saving emergency measures at the scene of an accident are intended to prepare the participants for possible situations that are not everyday and require medical intervention. The course is very dynamic with practical examples.

AED course

Studies have shown that the use of an automated external defibrillator as part of first aid significantly increases the survival of a patient after a circulatory arrest. This course serves to familiarize the patient with the devices through theoretical training and practical exercises.

48h medical service course

The training goes far beyond the knowledge of a first aid course and provides a broader knowledge of injuries and illnesses and their emergency care. This course is a prerequisite for medical care at any event.

earthquake and tsunami trainings

Again and again earthquakes or tsunamis occur in popular holiday regions. An intensive confrontation with the topic can help to protect health or life in such an emergency.

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