First Aid


First aid is the support and basic primary care of persons suffering from a sudden illness or injury, with the care to preserve life, prevent deterioration or promote recovery. First aid is usually provided by people without medical training. There are many situations that may require first aid, and many countries have laws, regulations or guidelines that set a minimum level of first aid under certain circumstances.

This may include specific on-the-job training or equipment (e.g. an automated external defibrillator), the provision of specialised first aid protection at public meetings or compulsory first aid training in schools. However, first aid does not necessarily require specific equipment or prior knowledge and may include improvisation with locally available materials. First aid can be given to all mammals.


The training includes the basic introduction to first aid. Aspects such as self-protection, making an emergency call, resuscitation, etc. are covered both in theory and in practice.





duration of the course: 9 teaching units + breaks

prerequisite: no prerequisites for training. For further training, a valid first aid certificate is needed to be refreshed.

costs: 30 Euro for each participants

max. number of participants: 20


The training includes the basic introduction to first aid. Aspects such as self-protection, making an emergency call, resuscitation, etc. are covered both in theory and in practice.






duration of the course: 9 teaching units + breaks

prerequisite: no prerequisites for training. For further training, a valid first aid certificate is needed to be refreshed.

costs: no costs are incurred by the participant or the company (billing by the employers’ liability insurance association)

max. number of participants: 20


The course focuses in particular on the treatment of injuries and illnesses in infants and young children and their care until they are taken over by the rescue service. This course is specially designed for (expectant) parents/grandparents, babysitters or caregivers.





duration of the course: 5 teaching units + breaks

prerequisite: no prerequisites for training

costs: 30 Euro for each participants / 50 Euro for couples

max. number of participants: 20


First Aid for Childcare and Educational Institutions is specifically designed for carers and teachers who deal with children on a daily basis. The training focuses particularly on the emergency treatment of injuries in children and their care until they are taken over by the emergency services.





duration of the course: 9 teaching units + breaks

prerequisite: no prerequisites for training. For further training, a valid first aid certificate is needed to be refreshed.

costs: no costs are incurred by the participant or the company (billing by the employers’ liability insurance association)

max. number of participants: 20

If you have any questions and/or would like to make an appointment, please write to us.

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